2021春外研版九年级英语下册课件-Module 3-Unit 3 Language in use.pptxVIP

2021春外研版九年级英语下册课件-Module 3-Unit 3 Language in use.pptx

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Unit 3 Language in use;1;;一、用所给词的适当形式填空。 1. [中考?镇江]How ________(heavy) it rained in Europe! Some museums along the River Seine had to be closed. 2. [中考?临沂]Sometimes, a person's whole life is ________(easy) changed by something unexpected. 3. I think apples are ________________(delicious) of all the fruit.;4. The Pearl River is one of _____________(long) rivers in China. 5. Robinson Crusoe(《鲁滨逊漂流记》) by Daniel Defoe is ________(wide) read by teenagers in our city. 6. The second-hand car is much ________(cheap) than the new one.;7. [2018?包头]—Perhaps one day I may go on a ___________ (relax) holiday. —Yeah, dream on! 8. The bridge in my hometown is ___________(cool) one I have ever seen. 9. [2018?长春]It is ________ (polite) to talk loudly in public places like a library.;二、单项选择。 10. [2019?合肥瑶海区模拟]—I have never forgotten the song “My heart will go on”. —Neither have I. The words of the song are still ____ in my mind. A. educational B. present C. creative D. traditional;11. Many students think that singing songs is ____ listening to music. A. more happy B. the most exciting C. as interested as D. as relaxing as;12. [2018?乌鲁木齐]—Did you watch the first match of the Russian World Cup? —Of course! We were so ____ to watch the ____ match. A. exciting; excited B. excited; excited C. exciting; exciting D. excited; exciting;13. It's not ____ to be friendly. You have to be a friend. Go and talk to Sam. A. good enough B. late enough C. too good D. too late;14. —Did you go ____ last summer holiday? —Yes. I went to Shanghai Disneyland. A. somewhere special B. anywhere special C. special somewhere D. special anywhere;15. [2018?安徽]Yuan Longping is ____ regarded as the greatest scientist in rice planting. A. suddenly B. patiently C. hardly D. generally;三、完形填空。 Making a speech at the United Nations in front of 500 people from around the world isn't a(n)__16__ task. And doing it in a foreign language is even


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