2020-2021学年高一英语课时同步检测2-3 Reading for Writing【含答案】.pdfVIP

2020-2021学年高一英语课时同步检测2-3 Reading for Writing【含答案】.pdf

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2020-2021 学年高一英语课时同步检测2-3 Reading for Writing 一、基础巩固 I.单词拼写 1. A bronze s__________ was set up in his honour. 2. Often,the only way people keep relationships going with friends is by posting a c__________ to each other online. 3. The new app can give you t__________ information,including timetables and maps. 4.Since Britain banned smoking in public groups of people smoking outside office buildings has become a , common s__________ in London. 5. Do you think it’svery embarrassing when a friend refuses your r__________? 6. It is important to pay your electricity bill on time ,as late payments may affect your c__________. 7. It's u__________ that I was able to slow down and take time to learn and appreciate the history and beauty of the ancient culture. 8. But after moving to a____________ senior high school elsewhere in the county, he now only comes back in summer and winter holidays. 9. The place is famous for its great landscape (风景)as well as a____________ natural wonders. 10. In addition to the industrial park, visitors can a_________ the historical glory (辉煌)of the 'tea boat road' II .单句语法填空 1. He refused to comment __________ his opinion about a healthy lifestyle. 2. I caught sight ______an empty seat at the back of the bus. 3.If the ____________ (view) falls asleep,the sensor(感应器) moves the TV into “pictureoff”. 4. All club members are requested ____________ (attend) the annual meeting. 5.My trip is ____________ (make) up of sightseeing of the unique sites,shopping and a lecture. 6.___view of the weather ,the event will now be held indoors. 7. The ________(detail) of the plan are still being worked out. 8. It’susually ____________economy) to buy washing powder in large quantities. 9. As the holiday is approaching ,I can’twait ____________ communicate with my friends. 10. Because of the ____________ roads, people's lives are getting bett


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