2020-2021学年高一英语课时同步检测1-1 Reading and Thinking【含答案】.pdfVIP

2020-2021学年高一英语课时同步检测1-1 Reading and Thinking【含答案】.pdf

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2020-2021 学年高一英语课时同步检测1-1 Reading and Thinking 一、基础巩固 I .单词拼写 1. I'm still the t________ I once was, without the slightest change in my heart. 2. When I was little, my parents used to bring home many of these picture books. I a___________ grew up reading these. 3. Dancers of the National B_______ of China performed at the NCPA, the first live shows since Jan 19 early in 2020. 4. The province has seen a lot of rain and the water c_______ in the soil is high. 5.Industry insiders p______ that the unmanned delivery (运送)market Is expected to be worth 100 billion yuan. 6. Many U.S. healthcare workers face COVID-19 safety c__________. 7. From birth to three years old, children have two very important areas for development: m_________ and language. 8.A worker walks through rows of roses in a g___________ while wearing a mask to help fight against the (口罩) CONVID- 19 in Kenya. 9. Li and his v____________ friends saved many milu deer from the flood and let them back into the wild. 10.He thinks wildlife is neither s________ nor right to raise as pets. II.单词正确形式填空 1. It is strongly_________________ (recommend) that the machines should be checked every year. 2. 5G will be widely__________ (use) in audio-visual media. 3. The Export-Import Bank of China's 570 billion yuan in new loans can also be used ___________________(support ) qualified key foreign-funded companies. 4. The guidelines also recommend that theatergoers _____________ (wear) facial masks during shows. 5. I know it's hard to understand and it's _____________ (confuse) 6.We sincerely wish you and everyone in Annapolis continued good health and great courage during this _____________ (challenge) period. 7. China is doing well, much better than the West, and it is clear and ______________(obv



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