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林牛津版高一英 模 二 Unit 3 Amazing people 知 点 解教案 模块二 Unit 3 Amazing people 重点 1. content n. 内容;目 adj. 足的,甘心的 vt. 足 【常 搭配】 be content with ?? 意 be content to do sth. 足于做 ?? ,甘心地做 ?? content n./ oneself with n. 以 ?? 使某人 足 【即 演 】 完成下列句子: Martina ______________________________ a single glass of wine. 蒂娜只喝一杯葡萄酒就心 意足了。 老 我 所做的感到 意。 The teacher __________ __________ __________ __________ we had done. The teacher __________ __________ __________ __________ we had done. The teacher __________ __________ __________ __________ we had done. 【答案】 1. contented herself with 2. was content with what; was satisfied with what; was happy with what 2. fortune n. U 运气,命运; U 幸运; C / U , 富 fortunate adj. 幸运的, 幸的 fortunately adv. 幸运地, 幸地 【常 搭配】 have the good fortune to do sth. 幸运地做某事 1 / 18 林牛津版高一英 模 二 Unit 3 Amazing people 知 点 解教案 seek one ’ s fortune 找出路,碰运气 try one ’ s fortune 碰运气 tell one ’ s fortune 某人算命 make a fortune be fortunate in (doing) sth. 在某方面很幸运 be fortunate to do sth. 幸运地做 ?? It is fortunate that ??是幸运的 【即 演 】 用常 搭配中的 完成句子 He _______________________ by publishing a new book. These two brothers decided to go to America to ______________________. I _____________________________ meet Mike through my friends. 【答案】 1. made a fortune 2. try/ seek their fortune 3. had the good fortune to B: He was robbed last night, but ______ he didn ’ t have much on him then. A. fortunately B. eventually C. certainly D. surprisingly 【解析】 句意:昨晚他被 劫了,但幸运的是,他随身没 很多 。 fortunately “ 幸运 地”; eventually “ 最后 ”;certainly “ 确定地;当然地 ”; surprisingly “ 惊 地 ”。 【答案】 A curious adj. 好奇的 curiosity n. 好奇心 curiously adv. 好奇地【常 搭配】 be curious about ?? 感到好奇 be curious to do sth. 极想做某事 2 / 18 林牛津版高一英 模 二 Unit 3 Amazing people 知 点 解教案 It is curious that 奇?怪的是 out of/ from curiosity 出于好奇 arouse one ’ s curiosity引 某人好奇心 【即 演 】 用常 搭配中的 完成下列句子 He, together with other villagers, entered that room _____________. He _____________ know whether the singer has something to do with the accident. Children _______


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