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毕业设计 (论文)外文 资料翻 译 题 目: ActiveX and VBA Reference 院系名称: 专业班级: 学生姓名: 学 号: 指导教师: 教师职称: 起止日期: 地 点 : 原文 Activate event Triggered when a document window is activated. See Also | Example Signature object.Activate() object Document object An object expression that evaluates to a valid container object. In this case, the only valid container is a document. Remarks No events will be fired while a modal dialog is being displayed. See Also Methods, Properties, and Events: AppActivate WindowMovedOrResized ActiveX and VBA Developer's Guide: "Use Events" Example Private Sub AcadDocument_Activate() ' This example intercepts a drawing Activate event.' ' This event is triggered when a drawing window becomes active.' ' To trigger this example event: Either open a new drawing or switch from one drawing window to another MsgBox "You have just activated a drawing!" End Sub AppActivate Event Triggered just before the main application window is activated. See Also | Example Signature object.AppActivate() object Application An object expression that evaluates to a valid container object. In this case, the only valid container is the application. Remarks No events will be fired while a modal dialog is being displayed. See Also Methods, Properties, and Events: AppDeactivate WindowMovedOrResized ActiveX and VBA Developer's Guide: "Use Events" Example Public WithEvents ACADApp As AcadApplication ' Use with Application Event Examples Sub Example_AcadApplication_Events() ' This example initializes the public variable (ACADApp), which will be used to intercept AcadApplication Events ' ' The VBA WithEvents statement makes it possible to intercept a generic object with the events associated with that object.' ' Before you will be able to trigger any of the AcadAp


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