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祝贺信 日常生活中,无论是亲朋好友毕业、晋升、获奖、开业,还是订婚、结婚、生日,都需要写上一封信 向对方表示祝贺。 信中应表示为对方而高兴。 祝贺信应当充满真诚和热情, 收信人读后会感到喜悦和振奋。 祝贺信既可以正式写,也可以随便写,具体视场合而定。对不太熟悉的朋友适合正式写,以表示礼貌和尊 重;对熟悉的朋友则可以随便一些。 但无论采用哪种方式, 祝贺信必须表达由衷的感情, 而且写信要及时。 模板① Dear_______, (1)I have learned with delight that you______. (1) 获悉值得祝贺的消息,说出祝贺事由 (2)Iwould like to extend to you my utmost (2) 表达祝贺 congratulations on ____. (3) 描述对方的心情 (3)You must be very proud of your ______. (4) 表达自己的心情 (4)And I feel very happy for you. (5) 被祝贺人所取得的成绩 (5)_____ is quite exciting news! (6) 对对方的赞美 (6)You are really__. (7) 对方取得成绩的原因 (7)I know this is surely owing to___. (8) 对对方取得成绩的肯定, 说出被祝贺人的 (8)It is a reward you deserve for your __. 优点 (9)With your_____, I am sure that you will be a success (9) 被祝贺人的优秀品质,表达对对方的祝 in whatever you undertake. 福 (10)Kindly let me know when you____. (11) I hope. (10) 咨询对方的情况和时间 (12)My best wishes for your further success. (11) 表达愿望 Sincerely Yours, (12) 表达自己真诚的祝福 Li Ming 模板② Dear ______ , I have learned with delight that you ______ (祝贺事由) . I would like to extend to you my utmost congratulations on ______. You must be ______. And I feel very happy for you. ______ (所取得的成绩)  is quite exciting news! I know this is surely owing to ______  (被祝贺人过去 的努力) .It is a reward you richly deserve for your ______  (被祝贺人的优点)  . Kindly let me know when you ______ (咨询对方何时有空)  . I hope ______ (表达自己的愿望) . My best wishes for your further success. Yours sincerely, Li Ming 模板③ Dear_____________, Congratulations on your _______ . I know how hard you have been working  and I am very proud of you for your achievement. I understand for sure that it is your hard work / your excellent ability that leads you to the current success. This new position, on the other  hand, adds a new dimension to your life and is bound to ________ . What May all goes beautifully in your new post!  ’ s more, I also believe that . Yours sincerely, Li Ming 模板④ Dear_____________, Good news travels fast! It was deli


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