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中考高频完成句子 110 题附答案及提示 完成句子练习一 as soon as ? (not) as/so ? as ?as ? as possible ask sb. for sth ask / tell sb (how) to do sth. 1、昨天他一写完作 就去游泳了。 He went swimming __________________he finished his homework yesterday. 2、我一到家就 你打 。 I will call you ?_________________ I get home_. 3、我和她一 忙。 I am _________ ____ she is. 4、Lucy 不如 Lily 漂亮。 ucy is not _____________ Lily. 5、我会尽快去看我 的。 I will go to see my mother__ _ . 6、昨天他尽早地洗完了衣服。 Yesterday, he finished doing the washing ______________ . 7、如果你有 , 向警察求助。 If you have any questions, please _____the police____ ___. 8、 不要再向你父母要 了。 Please don ’ t _______your parents _____________. 9、她 她怎 玩游 。 Her mother ______her___________________________-. 10、 你告 我怎 解出 道 ,好 ? Could you please ____________how to solve this problem? 11、我 是叫我一放学就回家。 My mother is always telling me to go home_____________. 12、我爸爸一到上海就去参 方明珠。 My father will visit Oriental Pearl TV Tower __________________Shanghai. 13、我妹妹和我跑的一 快。 My sister runs_______________ me. 14、 Lucy 不如 Tom 到校早。 Lucy doesn ’ t get to school________________________. 15、她会尽可能 真写作 的。 She will do her homework _______________________. 16、你要尽可能努力地学 英 。 You should study English _______________________. 17、如果你有 , 向我求助。 If you have any questions, please___________________. 18、我可以向他要一本英 ? Can I __________________________Enlish book? 19、他 才 我怎 植 了。 He _______________________________trees just now. 20、 你告 我怎 学好英 ,好 ? Could you please________________________________? 完成句子练习二 ask/tell sb. (not) to do sth. be afraid of doing sth / be afraid that be busy doing sth. be famous/ late/ready/sorry for be glad that  从句 从句 要求我每天吃早 。 Mother _____me _______________________every day. 老 我 持每天早晨大声朗 英 。 The teacher _____________________reading English aloud every morning. 我 去害怕在公众 所 。 I _____________be afraid________ speaking in public. 我的小妹妹害怕独自呆在家里。 My little sister_______________ staying at home alone. 他 正忙着 旅游做准 。 They are busy __________________the trip. 她正忙着学 琴。 She is __________________play the pian


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