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3). Some day it will be as busy as Hong Kong. 总有一天它会像香港一样繁华的。 4). --- What’s the population of Hong Kong? --- It’s over ten million. 香港的人口是多少? 超过一千万。 5). Remember to visit Diwang Tower. Don’t forget to visit Diwang Tower. hill n. 小山 Get up that hill. 爬上那座山。 population n. 人口,全体居民 million num. 百万 e.g. This country now has a population of about 110 million. 这个国家现有大约1.1亿人口。 wide adj. 宽的;宽阔的 e.g. This river is very wide. 这条河很宽。 This is a _______ road. 这是一条宽广的道路。 than prep. 比 e.g. It’s cheaper to travel by train than by air. 旅游坐火车比飞机便宜。 pretty adv. 相当地;非常;很 I’m pretty sure that he’ll say yes. 我非常确定他会说是。 pretty good 相当好;很好 e.g. For a beginner, you are pretty good. 对一个初学者来说,你是相当不错了。 get v. 变成;成为 e.g. As you get old, your memory will become worse. 当你变老的时候,你的记忆 力会变差。 It’s getting warmer and warmer in spring. 春天天气渐渐变暖了。 New words: than hill population What’s the population of wide million billion pretty Pretty good! get /e?n; e?n / prep. 比 /h?l/ n. 小山;小丘 /p?pj?'le??n / n. 人口,全体居民 ……人口是多少? /wa?d/ adj. 宽的;宽阔的 /'m?lj?n/ num. 百万 /'b?lj?n/ num. 十亿 /'pr?ti / adv. [主口] 相当的;非常 很好! /get/ v. 变成;成为 high hill population river wide 1. Look at the pictures and talk about them. Use the words in the box to help you. 1. So it’s a newer city than Hong Kong? 2. It’s getting bigger and busier. 3. That’s larger than the population of many other cities in China. 4. Its streets are much wider and cleaner too. 5. It’s taller than many other buildings in Shenzhen. Shenzhen is on the coast near Hong Kong. It became important in the (1) _______. Before that it was a (2)_______. Today the population of Shenzhen is more than (3) _______ million. There are many tall buildings in Shenzhen. A famous one is the (4) ______________. It is (5) _______ than many other buildings in Shenzhen. 1980s village taller Diwang Tower


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