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* 通俗讲是零件表面加工留下的痕迹,在微小的区间形成的高低不平的程度(粗糙的程度),用数值表现出来,作为评价表面状况的一个依据。 * 去除材料:车铣钻磨,腐蚀,电火花加工等。 不去除材料:铸造、锻造、冲压边形、热轧、冷轧,粉末冶金等。 * 第 十一 讲 零件的构形与表达 Construction and Representation of Mechanical Part 作业: 绘制习题集86页泵体的零件图 典型零件的视图表达 Representation of typical components 表面粗糙度 Surface roughness 参考P304-328 ★ 轴类 Shaft-sleeve group ★ 盘盖类 Disk-cover group ★ 箱(壳)体类 Case-housing ★ 标准件 Standard parts 常见零件根据其作用及结构, 可分为以下几类: General parts can be classified by their uses and structures: 组成机器的最小单元称为零件。 A part or a component is the smallest and undetachable unit which constitutes the machine. 齿轮 Gear 箱盖 House cover 端盖 Side cover 箱体 House body 滚动轴承 Bearing 齿轮减速箱 Gear reducer 螺栓Bolt 工程图有两种主要类型:零件图和装配图 Engineering drawings are of two main types: detail and assembly. (支架类 Frame group) 齿轮轴Gear shaft 11.1 零件图的作用与内容 Detail drawings 一、零件图的内容The contents of a detail drawing: ⒈ 一组表达零件的结构形状的视图Views enough to give a complete shape description of the constructions of the part. ⒉ 制造零件所需的完整的尺寸All the dimensions needed for manufacturing the part. ⒊ 技术要求 Technical requirements including tolerances, surface roughness ,heat treatments and so on. ⒋ 标题栏 Detail title block. 加工制造、检验、测量零件。 Detail drawing is used to manufacture,detect and measure the part. 表达单个零件结构、大小及技术要求的图样称为零件图。A detail drawing is a drawing that describes the construction , size and technical requirements of a part. 11.2 零件图的视图选择 Determining the views of detail drawing 为满足生产的需要,零件图的一组视图应视零件的功用及结构形状的不同而采用不同的视图及表达方法。The views for detail drawing should be selected according to the functions and structures to meet the requirements of manufacturing. 如:轴套 Shaft sleeve 一个视图即可 Only one view needed ?10 25 ?18 如:轴承座Bearing frame 完全Complete 正确Correct 清楚Clear 零件各部分的结构、形状及其相对位置表达完全且唯一确定。Geometrical structure of the part is described completely without ambiguity. 视图之间的投影关系及表达方法要正确。Projection and representation method are correct. 所画图形要清晰易懂。Views are clear and easily understood. 一、视图选择的要求Requirements fo



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