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第 12 卷第 7 期 管理学报 Vo l. 12 No.7 2015 年 7 月 Chinese Journal of Management July. 2015 DOI 编码 10. 3969n. ~sn.1672-884~2015.07.007 企业与非营利组织社会联盟实施战略分析 尹王五林l 宋程成2 O. 西交利物浦大学西浦国际商学院 Z. 浙江大学公共管理学院) 摘要:依托资源、依赖、组织学习、新制度主义等视角,在识别企业与非营利组织社会联盟 构成维度和类型的基础上,探索了企业与非营利组织社会联盟实施战略的决策依据和过程,构 建"初始条件一治理过程-联盟绩效"的整体研究框架,并识另IJ ill 可能影响联盟战略实施的情境 特才正o 关键词:社会联盟;企业社会责任;非营利组织;初始条件;治理过程;联盟绩效 中圄法分类号: C93 文献标志码:A 文章编号: 1672-884X(2015)07-0984-09 Business-Nonprofit Social Alliance: Initial Conditions , Governance Process and Performance YIN ] uelin 1 SONG Chengcheng2 (1. Xi'an ]iaotong-Liverpool University , Suzhou , ]iangsu , China; 2. Zhejiang University , Hangzhou , China) Abstract: Based on extensive r巳vlews on resourc巳 dependency theory , organizational learning the- ory , and institutional theory , this study aims to identity the key dímensions and patterns of social allí ance , explore the determinants of social alliance formation , and build a mediating mechanism linking initial conditions , governance processes and alliance effectiveness. The results have significant impli cations for both corporations and nonprofit organizations in selecting partners , orgamzmg alliance structure and governance process , and thus ensuring the success of alliances. Key words: social alliance; CSR; nonprofit organization; initial condition; governance process; alliance performance 进而实现双赢的重要平台[2J 1 研究背景 近年来,企业与非营利组织的合作与互动 越来越多,这对促进我国经济社会的包容性增 随着环保主义和企业公民等理念的兴起,


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