必修三Unit5 Canada单元复习.pptVIP

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梗概:Li Daiyu和Liu Qian 乘火车进行了一趟自西向东穿越加拿大的旅行。从Vancouver出发,火车带着他们翻越了Rocky mountains途经Calgary,穿越了一片小麦种植区后到达了Thunder Bay接着向Toronto驶去。 关键词:take a train cross Vancouver Calgary Thunder Bay Notes: ...take the train from west to east to cross Canada start from Vancouver Canada’s warmest part Canada’s most beautiful city some of the oldest and most beautiful forests in the world cross the Rocky mountains famous for the Calgary Stampede an empty country busy port city at the top of the Great Lakes the train rushed across the Great Lakes southward towards Toronto Li Daiyu and Liu Qian decided to take the train from the west to east to cross Canada. They started from Vancouver, which is the warmest part and most beautiful city in Canada. What's more, Vancouver has some of the oldest and most beautiful forests in the world . They were seated admiring beautiful views along the way.After crossing the Rocky mountains where they saw mountain goats and even a grizzly bear, they reached Calgary which is famous for its Stampede. Cowboys from all over North America who have a gift for working with animals would gather to have a competition. Then they passed the wheat-growing province. And what amazed them most is that Canada is such an empty country, with most population settling in the areas bordering the USA. After that, the train arrived at Thunder Bay, the busy port city at the top of the Great Lakes and passed by the Great Lakes, from which most of Canada's fresh water comes. Finally, the train rushed across the Great Lakes southward towards Toronto. Homework Polish your composition and then write it down on the exercise book. Revision 一、单词拼写 1____________ n. 大臣;部长 2____________ n. 女王;王后 3____________ n. 大陆;陆地 4____________ adv.向东; adj.向东的 5____________ vt.& vi.包围; 环绕 6____________ adv.极端地 7____________ vt.& vi 定居;解决;平静下来 8____________ prep.在......之内; 不越出 9____________ vt&vi


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