4年级第一单元My classroom.优秀教案英文表格式.pdf

4年级第一单元My classroom.优秀教案英文表格式.pdf

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4 年级第一单元 My classroom. 教案 英文表格式 科目: 英 班 级: 四 执教人 课 题 第一单元 my classroom. 课时序号 1-6 教学目标 1. tell the colours of the objects of the classroom. 2. le make the students describe their own classroom with simple words. 3. arn the words and sentences in part a,b. 4. sing the song “in the classroom ” and understand the story. 教学重点 get the pupils to describe their classroom in their ownwords. 教学难点 get the pupils to describe their classroom in their ownwords. 教学准备 tape and recorder, pictures,stickers and word cards. 教 学 过 程 period 11. warm-up:t: hello, a! welcome back to school! (教师先自我介绍,然 后引导学生相互问好。 )a: hello, miss …. nice to see you.t: nice to see you, too.2. presentation:(1) show the picture of the classroom and say: look,this is our classroom. what can you see in it? present the words( 在学生已有积累的基础上随机出示新词语 ): window, door, picture, light, board, floor. (当教授 board 时,告 诉学生有 blackboard,greenboard,whiteboard,etc. )教师利用实物或单 词卡教学生正确理解,大声朗读。 (2) practise the words, using the patterns: where is ….? it ’s on the ….. (draw a bag on the board, 第 1页 / 总共 17页 asking: where’s the bag? get the answer: on the board. ) (3) game: let the students have the word cards in their hands. the teacher gives the order: show me your picture/window / … the students show the word cards.(4) listen to the tape, get the students read after the tape. (要求学生边听边指读。 )(5) presentation of the new phrases: open the door. sweep the floor. turn on the light. clean the window. put up the picture. clean


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