奔驰 广告分析.ppt

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; Mercedes - Benz SL-Class 2013; SL-Class:奔驰SL系列 SL is the abbreviation of the sporty(运动化) and the light(轻量化).; Using Story 1.The important way to design a advertising. 2.The main clue of the advertising. 3.Making the advertising become more interesting and attracting. 4.Motivating the desire and prompting the buying behavior. ;; Choocing Protagonist(主角) 1.The great image and temperament(气质,性情 )to attract more people. 2.Implying(暗示) the target audience of this product who are successful person or rich men. 3.To make the advertisement own more persuation.; Introducing Products 1.The car's functions are shown perfectly from beginning to end. 2.Different functions are inserted skillfully in the different stage of the story. 3.Showing function is the most improtant part of the advertising. 4.The sample content and the detailed introduction. ;ECO start/stop function ECO自动启停模式 ; Intelligent Light System 智能照明系统;Surround sound system with front bass 前排环绕立体声低音音响; Active Body Control 主动车身控制系统; Slogan: "The best or nothing." 要么最好,要么别无选择。;Thank you!


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