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It 的用法 It 的用法在高考中也是重现率较高的语言点,尤其是 it 用于强调句。其考查方式多通过 “单 项填空 ”进行,偶尔也出现在 “短文改错 ”和 “完形填空 ”中。 1.(NMET98) It was only when I reread his poems recently ___ I began to appreciate their beauty . A . until B .that C .then D .so 正确答案: B 此题考查强调句,所以用 that 。 2.(NMET98) I hate____when people talk with their mouths full . A . it B .that C .these D .them 正确答案: A 此题考查 it 作形式宾语的用法,所以选 A 。 3.(MET91 ,短文改错 )David and I did not agree and David pointed to a path which he thought it would probably lead to a village . 正确答案:去掉 it ,因为定语从句中已有宾语 which 。 一、要点点拔 1.代替上文中提到过的人或事物。指代人时,一般用于小孩或身份不十分明朗的人。 1) -Who is the baby? -It s my teacher‘ ’s son. 2) -Who is that gentleman? -It's my friend Tom .He( 不可用 It) wants to see you . 2.用于表达天气、环境、时间、距离、季节等。 例如: 1) It ’s half an hour ’s walk from here to our school . 2) It s nice and warm here‘ . 3) But it's two o'clock now, and it's time for us to go to school . 3.用作形式主语 .it 没有具体意义,而只是帮助把真正的主语移至句子后尾,使句子显得平稳一 些,能借 it 给移至句子后尾的主语有三种:一种由不定式表示,一种由动名词表示,一种由从 句表示。 1).It 替代真正的主语 —— 动词不定式短语 . It is easier to say than to do . It is a good act to help the others. 2).it 替代真正的主语 —— 动名词短语 ,以动名词短语做主语的句子, 主要在以 no good, no use, no harm, dangerous, foolish 等词作表语的句中 . It ’s no harm drinking running water in that area 。 It ’s foolish talking like that. 3).it 替代从句作主语,用从句做主语的带 it 的句子很多 ,常见的有下面几类: ① It is a pity (a shame ,a fact ,a wonder ,a good thing,etc. )that … It is a shame that he didn ’t pass the exam. ② It is strange ( surprising,obvious ,true, good,possible,clear,etc. ) tha


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