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读后续写素材库之五官表情的描写及练习巩固 有关head的有用词链儿 drop/lower/bend/bow one’s head 低下头 nod one’s head 低头 shake one’s head 摇头 scratch one’s head 挠头 scratch [skr?t] 抓;挠 rest one’s head on 把头靠在...上面 bury one’s head 把头埋起来 clear one’s head 清醒一下头脑 feel one’s head spinning 觉得天旋地转 spin [spin] 旋转;眩晕 Head for/towards 朝...走去 翻译小练习: 1.他羞愧地低下了头。 2.他们点头同意。 3.她怀疑地摇摇头。 4.他挠了挠头,一个字也听不懂。 5.她用枕头捂住脑袋。 6.她将头靠在他的肩膀上。 7.我决定去走走,清醒一下头脑。 8.他只喝了一杯就觉得天旋地转。 9.他转身朝门口走去。 参考答案: 1. He dropped/lowered/bent/bowed his head in shame. 2. They nodded their heads in agreement. 3. She shook her head in disbelief. 4. He scratched his head, not understanding a word. 5. She buried her head in the pillow. 6. She rested her head on his shoulder. 7. I decided to go for a walk to clear my head. 8. He could feel his head spinning after only one drink. 9. He turned and headed for the door. 有关face的有用词链儿 a bright smile 灿烂的笑容 one’s face brightened 某人的脸上焕发出了光彩 one’s face grow serious表情变得严肃 one’s face looked a little confused 某人看起来有点因惑 one's face flushed/burned with embarrassment. 某人的脸窘得满脸通红 one’s face paled with fright 某人的脸吓得都白了 had a slight frown on one’s face 某人愁眉不展的样子 翻译小练习: 1.他的脸上露出了灿烂的笑容。 2.我给她礼物时,他的脸上焕发出了光彩。 3.他的表情突然严肃起来。 4.他看起来有点因惑。 5.杰克窘得满脸通红。flush [fl??] 脸红 6.她吓得脸都白了。 7.他的脸上现出有点儿愁眉不展的样子。 参考答案: 1. A bright smile appeared on his face. 2. Her face lit up/brightened/glowed when I gave her the present. 3. His face suddenly grew serious. 4. His face looked a little confused. 5. Jack's face flushed/burned with embarrassment. 6. Her face paled with fright. 7. He had a slight frown on his face. 有关cheek的有用词链儿 one’s cheeks burning with shame 某人因为羞愧而感到脸颊发烧 one’s cheeks are wet with tears 某人泪流满面 color rushed/flooded to one’s cheeks 某人涨红了脸 a tear slid down one’s cheek 一滴泪顺着某人的脸颊滑落下来 kissed sb on both cheeks 亲了某人的脸颊 翻译小练习: 1.他因为羞愧而感到脸颊发烧。 2.她泪流满面。 3.意识到有人在看她,她顿时涨红了脸。 4.一滴泪顺着她的脸颊滑落下来。 5.他亲了亲她的脸颊,然后上了火车。 参考答案: 1. He felt his cheeks burning with shame. 2. Her cheeks were wet with tears. 3. Color rushed/flooded to her cheeks when s


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