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Lesson 1 Who runs fastest in your class? 重点单词及词组: 1. first: at first(首先) 2.farther [‘fɑ?e?] 更远 far 远 farthest最远father 父亲 3. tall adj [t?:l] 高的 short [??:t] 矮的指人,动植物等有生命的东西用tall; high adj/adv[hai] adj.指建筑物、山时tall或high都可以,不过high的程度比tall高。4. talk with… 和…说话, in front of… 在…前面, go out出去, look for寻找 climb up 爬上,on one’s way…在…的路上,walk along…沿着…走 语法点(重点句型): 比较级: ①I am (much) –er than … eg: I’m (much) taller than my sister. ②You/They/We are (much) –er than … eg: You/They/We/ are (much) faster than those students. ③He/She/It is (much) –er than … eg: He/She/It is (much) older than Lucy. 最高级: ①I am the –est … eg: I’m the tallest in my class. ②You/They/We are the –est …eg: They are the fastest of those students. ③He/She/It is the –est … eg: He is the oldest of them. 最高级一般疑问句: ①Are you/they/we the –est …? eg: Are you the fastest of those students? Yes, I am/we are . No, I’m not/we are not. ②Is he/she/it the –est …? eg: Is she the oldest of them? Yes, she is. No, she isn’t. 4. 最高级特殊疑问句: ①Who/which is the –est …? eg: Who is the tallest boy in your class? Which is the biggest of these apples? ②Who V.s –est …? eg: Who runs fastest in your class? Who jumps highest of the three boys? 形容词副词比较级、最高级构成: 规则变化 原级 比较级 最高级 1、一般情况直接在词尾加“er”、“est” tall small taller smaller tallest smallest 2、以不发音的“e”结尾的词,直接加“r”、“st” nice blue nicer bluer nicest bluest 3、重读闭音节中,以一个元音加一个辅音字母结尾的单音节词,双写该字母加“er”、“est” big thin bigger thinner biggest thinnest 4 以辅音字母加“y”结尾的单音节词,去“y”为“i”加“er”、“est” busy lazy busier lazier busiest laziest 5 双音节或多音节词前,加 more 、the most beautiful more beautiful the most beautiful 不规则变化 原级 比较级 最高级 good better best well bad / badly worse worst ill many more most much little less least far farther farthest Ⅰ.写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级 short fast small fine nice happy fat difficult Ⅱ.写出下列句子: 1.刘翔是我们班跑的最快的男生。 ———————————————————————— 2.它是你们家最大的猫吗? ———————————————————————— 3.Lily在她家最瘦。 ———————————————————————— Ⅲ. 用所给词的适当形式填空: 1. Of the


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