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哈佛大学幸福课第十课中英文讲义 早上好 今天要讲的是变化 Hi,good morning! So today's lecture is about change. 今天很多事都会发生变化 And things are going to change today. 我们之间的关系会发生变化 敬请关注啊 Our relationship is going to change today.So stay tuned. 上节课 Last time, 上节课结束的时候 我们谈到很多种不同变化 last time we ended by talking about the different kinds of change 第一种方式 是渐进式的 The first approach—the gradual approach, 好像滴水穿石 like water wearing down stone, 要花时间的一点一点 慢慢的 chipping away gradually slowly taking our time. 第二种方式 是突发式的 The second approach—the acute change, 好像用大锤开山劈石 the sledge hammer breaking stone creating a new pathway, 凿出一条路 一个隧道 a new channel. 对于这两种变化 或是所有形式的变化 The important thing to keep in mind with both forms of changes, 必须要注意的是 with all form of change, 我们讲的重点是要将变化持续下去 lasting change that is,which is what we are about. 而不是突然一变之后又恢复原状 Not just the spike and the return to base level. 因此要注意的是 The thing to keep in mind about change 变化既不是药到病除的灵丹妙药 is that neither is quick-fix. 即便当我们举起大锤 Even when we pick up that sledge hammer, 就是这举起来的动作 even when we pick it up, 也需要我们在之前做很多准备的功夫 we need to do a lot of work before the preparation. 因此 举例来说 渐进式的变化 So for example,gradual change, 包括每天都做感恩练习 slow change would be doing the gratitude exercise everyday, 慢慢成为一个更容易找寻美好的人 slowly becoming more and more of a benefit finder, 逐渐的看到更多积极的事物 gradually looking more at the positive, 一点一点的构建起新的神经通路 creating a new neural pathway neuron by neuron. 还记得我们之前说过的两个重要概念 Remember neuroplasticity and neurogenesis— 神经塑性和新生神经元吗? two very important concepts 因为通过了解和理解我们大脑的变化 because just by knowing by understanding that our brain changes 我们自身也将更容易产生变化 that in and of itself makes us more likely to change. Carol Dweck做过相关研究 And this is work done by Carol Dweck, 我们之后谈到完美主义的时候还会提到她 whom I'll discuss in future courses when we discuss perfectionism 另外大锤的例子和探索经验是一回事 And then the sledge hammer example is like the Eureka experience, 真知灼见不是凭空产生的 而是经过 the great insight that doesn't come in a vacuum. 长时间准备后千锤百炼而得来的 It comes after a lot of hard work after a lot



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