交通地理信息系统及应用 3.1 分析校园数据库结构 3.1 分析数据库结构.ppt

交通地理信息系统及应用 3.1 分析校园数据库结构 3.1 分析数据库结构.ppt

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北京毛主席纪念堂和人民大会堂的1米分辨力1KONOS卫星影像 森林火灾监测 2009年2月8日,澳大利亚 维多利亚省 马瑞马力(Murmungee)火场热红外影像 墨西哥湾的深海石油泄漏事件,欧洲宇航局的Envisat 提供的先进合成孔径雷达影像,可见油污已迅速扩撒 Introduction to ArcGIS I (for ArcView 8, ArcEditor 8, and ArcInfo 8) 1-* Map scale is an important, but often misunderstood, concept in cartography. To represent a portion of the earth’s surface on a map, the area must be reduced. The extent of this reduction is expressed as a ratio called map scale. Map scale is the ratio of map distance to ground distance. For example, if we draw a 4.8-km road as a 20-cm line on our map, the following statements would describe the map scale: 20 cm : 4.8 km, 20 cm : 480,000 cm, 1 cm : 24,000 cm, 1 : 24,000 The latter is known as a representative fraction (RF) because the values on either side of the colon represent the proportion between distance on the map and distance on the ground; that is, “1:24,000” means “1 map inch represents 24,000 ground inches”, “1 map meter represents 24,000 ground meters”, or “1 map centimeter represents 24,000 ground centimeters”, and so on. Map scale can be expressed in several different manners: as a fraction (1:24,000), as a verbal statement (one centimeter equals one kilometer), or as a bar. Map scale indicates how much a given distance was reduced to be represented on a map. For maps with the same paper size, features on a small-scale map (1:1,000,000) will look smaller than those of a large-scale map (1:1,200). In other words, a dime-sized lake on a large scale map (l:1,200) would be less than the size of the period at the end of this sentence on a small-scale map (1:1,000,000). In general, small-scale maps depict large ground areas, but they have low spatial resolution, showing little detail. On the other hand, large-scale maps depict small ground areas, but have high spatial resolution, showing many details. The features on large-scale maps more closely represent real-world features because the extent of reduction is lower than that of a small-scale map. As m



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