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Appendix Useful Expressions in Business English 商务英语常用语句 Inquiry 询盘 1. We are very much interested in Hangzhou pure silk fabrics. 我们对杭州真丝印花绸很感兴趣。 2. We ’d like know that availability and the conditions of sale of this line. 我们想了解一下你们在这方面的供货能力和销售条件。 3. We understand that you are leading exporters of the goods and you can provide the specifications we need. 我们获悉贵方是该货的最大出口商,能提供我们所需的规格。 4. Have you got products of this specification? 我们是否有这种规格的产品? 5. Please quote for the supply of 3,000 metric tons of steel pipes. 请对 3000 吨钢管供货作出报价。 6. Please quote us your price CIF London basis. 请报伦敦到岸价。 7. Do you offer FOB or CIF? 你们报离岸价还是到岸价? 8. In case you are unable to offer us at this time, may we suggest 1 / 37 that you quote us an indicative price first? 如果目前你们不能报价,建议先报给我们一个指示价格。 9. Please quote us the lowest prices CIF 5% Rotterdam and indicate the respective quantities and various sizes that you can supply for prompt shipment. 请报最低的加 5%佣金的鹿特丹到岸价, 并说明你方能提供给我们 即期装运的每种商品的数量和价格。 10. If your price is reasonable, quality satisfactory and delivery acceptable, we will send you large orders. 如果你方报价有竞争力,装运期可接受,我们将大量定购。 11. As we understand that you handle export of Chinese carpet, we should like to know whether you can supply 400 pieces of pure wool carpet for shipment before the end of March. 欣悉贵公司是中国地毯出口商,我们想了解你们可否供应 400 条纯毛地毯,并于三月底前发货。 12. We find that the selling prospects for your Chunlan“ ” air conditions at this end are good and look forward to receiving your samples soon. 我们认为你们的春兰牌空调在这里的销售前景甚佳,希望很快收 到你们的样品。 13. We are thinking of getting a supply of Chinese tea. Please send us your best offer by cable indicating origin, packing, 2 / 37 quantity availa


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