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he economi c devel opme nt in the new normal Of awareness errors, dee p awareness e conomi c devel opme nt new normal of obje ctive inevita bility, prevent one -si dedness, and simplisti c, ca nnot to w hether on himself favourable t o judge new normal bad; cannot put ne w normal as a ba sket, what a re to in loa ded; cannot put new normal as have n, put work bad do, a nd di dnt dry good of reasons ar e due Yu ne w normal, for not officer, a nd not devel opme nt find exc use s. Actively promote the supply side of structural reforms and impleme nt the CPC Central Committee define d five pillars of policy and five priorities, impl ement the major de cisi ons and arra ngements of the ce ntral support accelerated development of Fujian, a g ood grasp of the ol d Soviet areas, gre en development, precisi on significa nt opportunitie s to alleviate povert y. (4) lead to over come difficulty, dare to play. Dare not sword, before major problems before not t o grasp the nettle a nd on front, afraid t o come forw ard befor the crisi s and error ca nt bear re sponsibilit y, not firmly fight these issues before the evil, strengthe n the sense of respon sibility, to take charge. Dont want to under t he ne w situati on, not as g ood as issues, enhance vigor, growing new sk ills, new, do dry dry dry a ctive, do we wa nt to do good, to tak e Shi Li uyin, grasping the iron mark stre ngth and har d work toget her create a me ntal state of implementati on, reform and deve lopme nt of the promoter a nd the doers. Insist on seeki ng truth, a ct accordi ng to the law, e stablish the corre ct achievements vie w, a nd strive to create a stand the i nspection of practi ce, people and hist ory of performa nce. (5) the lea d in implementation of strictly a dministeri ng the party re sponsi ble. F or tube party rule party poor, a nd party consciousne ss i ndifference, and party work mi ssing , for subject re sponsibilit y, and a gang double accountability implementation not in place, and



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