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Unit5 Let ’s eat 授课教师:柴小娟 Learning contents ( 学习内容 )Part B(Let ’s learn Let ’s do) Learning aims (学习目标) 1.To learning the words: cake 、 fish 、 rice 、 water 2. “Can I have some , ,please? ”在实际情景中的应用。 3. 能够听懂、会说、句子 Cut the cake. 4. 能够听懂指令,按照指令的要求完成 Let's do 的内容。 Learning important points (学习重点)1.Grasp three skills the words: cake 、 fish 、 rice 、 water. 2. 完成 Let's do 的内容。 Learning difficult points ( 学习难点 )To put the sentence “Can I have some, ,please? ” “ Here you are. ”into the real life. Learning methods (学法指导): 1.listening 2.speaking 3.Pair work 4.Read it by yourself Learning aids (学习准备)1. PPT课件 2.English book Learning process( 学教过程 ) Step 1. Warming up (热身) 1.Greetings 2.Free talk . 3.Show the topic and learning aims. Step 2. Presentation (呈现新课) 1.T:Oh,boys and girls.Now, We are learning B Let ’s learn. 2.T:Open your book,read it by yourself.( 自己试着拼读 ) T:What ’s this? S: 蛋糕 3.T :learning cake 、Teacher read:cake. 4.listening this tape:cake cake, 学生书空 cake, 加深记忆。 5.The same method learning:fish 、water 、rice. 6.Practice new words. (对口形、大小声、 N+3、开火车) 7.Class test( 当堂检测 )Can you remember? 8.Game (游戏检测)What’s missing. Step 3. Let's learn52 页 (自学句型) 1.Read it by yourself 52 页(自学) 2.Listen to and repeat 52 页 3.Practice this sentence (Pair work 同桌合作) “Can I have some , ,please? ” “ Here you are. ” Step 4.Let's do 1.listening this part. 2.Let ’s together do this game .Are you ready ? 3.Translation into Chinese 4.Class test( 当堂检测 ) Step 5. Summary (总结) 1.We are learning four words:cake 、fish 、 rice 、water. 2.Sentences “Can I have some , ,please? ”


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