四年级下册英语教学设计Unit5 My clothes A | 人教PEP2014秋 .doc

四年级下册英语教学设计Unit5 My clothes A | 人教PEP2014秋 .doc

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课题 Unit 5 My clothes 课型 新授 时间 学习目标 知识目标:1、能听、説、认读衣物类单词:hat, skirt, dress, clothes, pants. 2、能熟练运用句型 I like that…, I like those… 能力目标:1、能够向他人简单介绍衣着。 情感态度:1、建立朴素大方的审美观。 学习重难点 重点:1、词汇:hat, skirt, dress, clothes, pants. 2、句型:I like that…, I like those… 难点:1、单词clothes的发音 教具准备 教学课件、单词卡片。 教学过程 二次备课 Warm up Let’s sing Let’s play: Look and say (Use the sentence: I like…) Presentation 由a black cat引出 a black hat.教学 hat。Chant: Put on your hat. Take off your hat.边说边做动作。 出现颜色 red.引出 dress。A red dress. A: Chant: A dress, a dress, a red dress, a red dress. I like that red dress. Chant: A dress, a dress, a ____ dress, a ____ dress. I like that ____ dress. B: 出现脏裙子,教学 Wash the dress. Hang on the dress. 3、听对话填空 Sarah: I don’t like old dress. Let’s go to the clothes shop.教学clothes,注意学生 th 的发音 1、 T:What do you see in the clothes shop. S:I see_______. 2、看课文视频,回答:Sarah likes_____ Sarah likes skirt.教学skirt.由girl,bird拼读skirt。 3、Can you say and act? Put on your skirt Take off your skirt Wash the skirt Hang up the skirt(先小组操练,小组表演,全班一起表演) 4、由skirt的ir发音和fish引出shirt.教学shirt。 5、看课文视频,回答 Amy likes ____. Amy likes pants.教学新单词 pants. 1、S: What do you like? A: I like those orange pants. 出示不同颜色裤子图片,让学生说 I like those _____ ______. Step 三、practice Sarah 买了很多衣服回家,放的很乱,出示图片,让学生一起帮助她整理衣服。教学短语:Put away your clothes. Put away______.旁边出示衣柜和衣服,让学生利用短语,帮助Sarah把衣服放到对应的单词上去。 让学生帮助老师整理衣柜。把对应的单词图片给学生,让学生找到在黑板上所对应的单词,贴上去。 Let’s do 边看边做。 Let’s go to the clothes shop to buy some new clothes. T: Look, a ____ _____. 学生照样说。 T:Wow, so many clothes. Let’s buy some. 6、Group work: A: Good morning, what do you like? B: I like that\those……. C: I like that\those……. A: Ok, here you are. B/C: Thank you! Step 四、Homework 1. Read the English book on P49 5 times. (读英语书第49面5遍。) 2. Introduce your clothes to your parents. (介绍所学的衣服给家长听。) 板书设计 Unit 5 My clothes clothes I like th


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