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欢迎各位员工及家属参与。 董事会将于 8 月 4 号星期五下午 3 点在 1131 室召开会议。 The board of directors will be conducting a meeting at 3 p.m on Friday ,august 4 in room 1131 我们的门诊政策有所变动,希望大家注意。 There has been a change in our clinic sercice policy which we would like to bring to your attention. This Wednesday ’ s regular meeting announced the establishment of Research and Development Department. 这个周三的公司例会宣布成立公司研发部。 Call zhang wen at for more detailed information. 有关详情请联系 xx,电话 We wish to take this opportunity to thank you for being coopertive. 借此机会感谢大家的配合。 We very much hope that you will be able to attend our wedding ceremony and look forward to meeting you on 22 november. 我们非常希望你能参加我们的结婚典礼,希望能在 11 月 22 号那天见到 你。 Mr .and mrs michael garwood request the honor of your presence at an gardon party to celebrate their daughter ’ s graduation。frommichaelcollegearwood 夫妇很荣幸能邀请您参加庆祝他们女儿大学毕业的花园聚会。 You and your family members are cordially invited to attend the pwc annual ball. 盛情邀请您和家人参加 pwc 的周年舞会 希望您能接受邀请,并在 7 月 23 日之前回复 . 1 / 7 l hope you will accept the invitation and reply before 23rdjuly. 晚宴开始前在 209 室会有茶点,欢迎前往。 请于 10 天内汇款,以维持你的信用等级。 虽然 ABC公司已预订在星期六使用会所,但是我们仍能为您提够 60 人的 会议室。 You will be glad to know that your request for reimbursement for travel expense is granted.您要求报销差旅费的请求已被批准,相信您一定很高兴得知这一消 息。 Customers will be provided with the best service owing to our long experience in the catering business. 凭借在饮食业的丰富经验,我们能为顾客提供最好的服务。 We have noticed in your letter that the damages to five chairs in shipment were found.从您的来信得知,已发现 5 把椅子在装运过程中受到损坏。 我们希望本月底以前收到您应付的金额。 We hope to receive the amount due by the end of this month. 我们希望你们能对货物满意,并期待收到你们更多的订单。 We hope you are satisfied with our goods,and look forward to receiving your future orders.对于任何不便之处我们再次表示感谢。 We apologize again for any inconvenience如.能尽早回复,不胜感激。 An early reply would be appreciated. 我们期待与你们的合作愉快而成功。 We look forward to a happy and succesful working relationship with you. 请注意公司周年舞会的日期变动。 2 / 7 I would like to present the following findings. 下面我将 xx


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