《2013版新目标英语八下Unit 6复习课件》.pptVIP

《2013版新目标英语八下Unit 6复习课件》.ppt

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2013版新目标英语八下Unit 6复习课件;复习目标 1.识记和掌握下列词组: 2. 学习短语:instead of, give birth to, turn…into, get married, as soon as等 3. 掌握:remind, hide, marry, lead, keep doing, sound stupid, brave enough to do sth.的用法 4.学习用过去式来讲述过去发生的事。 5.重点难点: (1)as soon as the man finished talking… (2)Sometimes he can make the stick so small that… (3)but unless he can hide his tail… ( 4 ) I don’t go home until this morning.;Yu Gong Moves a Mountain;致力于,忙于 考虑,思考 从前 把…带走 提醒,使想起 一点儿 代替 相反,反而 解决问题 放弃 同意(某人的意见) 第一次;实际上,事实上 看起来像 做改变 变成,成为 出版,发行 弱者 喜欢上某人 没关系! 结婚 对…开始感兴趣 导致,结果为 迷路,迷失方向 ;动词用法盘点;1.unless是连词,意为“除非;如果不,除了…”引导条件状语从句,含否定意义,相当于if ... not. unless引导条件句时,主要用于下列情况。;as soon as 意思为“一……就……”,引导时间状语从句。;so ... that“如此……以至于……”常用于引导结果状语从句 主语 + 谓语 +so + adj. /adv. + that从句。 He was so excited that he couldn’t say a word. so + adj. + a(n) + 单数名词 + that从句。 She is so kind a girl that we all like her. She is such kind a girl thar we all like her.;1. He was __ excited _____ he couldn’t get sleep. 2. This is ___ interesting a book ____ we all enjoy reading it. 3. You can soon get out of practice ______ you play the piano regularly. 4. _________ she says it I understand. 5. The sports meet will continue _____ it rains this afternoon.;根据提示完成句子。 ;8. 2. Life was harder then because n_____ of us had a job. 9. I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten your name. Can you r _______ me? 10. She was too w_______ to stand. 11. Don’t make a move or I’ll ________ /?u:t /. 12. How can you explain such a _______ /?s?li / remark? 13.Lee tried to ____ /ha?d / his excitement. 14. There is no _____ /?m?d??k /cure. 15. We want to get to ________ /?west?n / standards of living.;单项选择。


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