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英语八年级英语下册完形填空 100及答案经典 1 一、八年级英语下册完形填空专项练习(含答案解析) 1.阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给四个选项(A 、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。 One summer, a library in Texas in the US was having a terrible problem. For years, the number of books in the library 1 growing. As a result, they became too big for the 2 and had to move to a newly-built library across the town. 3 was finished and paid for. They found out that they didnt leave enough 4 to move their mountain of books across the town. Even the 5 moving company (公司) was going to ask for several thousand dollars to move the books. What could they do? They thought and thought. 6 one clever worker had a good idea. She said that during that time, the library would be closed. They could 7 the readers to borrow more books, for example to borrow 20, 40 or 100 books at a time (一次性). At the end of the summer they could 8 them to the new library. The idea 9 beautifully and a lot of people crowded to borrow books. This was a win-win (双赢的) situation. The 10 were happy to have more books to enjoy. The library saved a lot of money and moved all the books to the new library. 1. A. achieved B. meant C. kept D. finished 2. A. building B. town C. office D. square 3. A. Something B. Everything C. Nothing D. Anything 4. A. books B. people C. time D. money 5. A. hugest B. safest C. cheapest D. quickest 6. A. Finally B. Especially C. Recently D. Mostly 7. A. offer B. include C. compare D. encourage 8. A. repair B. return C. realize D. remind 9. A. gave out B. checked outC. worked out D. cut out 10. A. readers B. workers C. writers D. keepers 【答案】 (1)C ;(2 )A ;(3 )B;(4 )D;(5 )C ;(6 )A ;(7 )D;(8 )B;(9 ) C ;(10)A ; 【解析】【分析】主要讲了美国的得克萨斯州的一个图书馆书的数量一直增长不得不搬到 新图书馆,因为没有足够的钱,一个聪明的工人想出一个主意:每个读者每次可以借20 到 100 本书,在夏末归还给新图书馆,既节省了许多钱,也把书搬进


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