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Table of contents Executive Summary 1 Retail 2020: Winning in a polarized world 1 Drivers of change: A floor plan for the world without walls 1 Driver manifestation: Where and how retailers will sell and operate 2 Strategic implications: The paradoxical choices 3 Overview 6 Retail industry overview 6 Consumer behavior overview 9 Key change drivers 13 Speed of technological changes 13 Shifts in US demographics and shopper behavior 16 Ripple effects of the changing global shopper 19 Global economics of procurement 20 Transparency and knowledge-centric shopping 20 Challenges to retailer economic models 21 Key trends 23 The consumer-driven supply chain 23 Growth fragmentation of US retail channels 24 Globalization: Why retail growth is coming from “unfamiliar” markets 26 From multichannel to omnichannel: Fully integrated brand retailing 29 Consumer-driven transparency of everything 30 Consumer-centric retailing 32 Outlook and implications 34 Total data value chain management 34 Dynamic clustering to optimize fragmented growth 35 Competing on a truly global scale 36 Branding in omnichannel space 38 Managing data security and privacy 40 Managing diverse retail models 41 In summary 42 Pw PwC Page 1 Executive Summary Retail 2020: Winning in a polarized world Based upon updated research and the combined views of our retail industry professionals, following the previously issued Retailing 2015: New Frontiers, we believe successful retailers of 2020 will be those most likely to properly position themselves to master the highly dynamic marketplace in which they operate, a marketplace that will likely be increasingly polarized. The polarization of 2020 is expected to manifest itself in a variety of ways: Channel fragmentation. The US landscape is expected to experience a significant increase in non-store retail. Successful brick-and-mortar formats will look markedly different from one


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