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范例 (另起页,摘要范例) 摘 要 (黑体4 号字居中,字与字之间留 4 个字距) (摘要正文用楷体_GB2312 小 4 号字,字数在 300-600 字左右,上下空一行) 21 世纪世界经济最主要的特点之一就是跨国企业发展迅速,越来越多的外国企业开 始选择在中国投资建厂,其中又以日本企业为典型代表。然而,由于中国和日本的文化 体系的差异,不少来华投资的日资企业都存在因跨文化的差异而导致的企业管理上的困 惑,曾经创造日本经济发展奇迹的日本式管理模式在中国遭受到挫折。跨文化管理问题 能否得到妥善的解决,成为在华日资企业经营成败的关键。跨文化管理是人类管理发展 的必然趋势,是众多跨国企业面临的现实问题,它日益受到企业界和学者们的广泛关注。 对跨国企业来说,重要的不仅仅是承认文化差异的存在,更重要的是如何去适应另一种 文化并促进二者的融合。 …… 关键词:在华日资企业 文化冲突 跨文化管理 文化差异 (“关键词”三个字用黑体小 4 号字,与摘要正文对齐;关键词 3-6 个,楷体小 4 号字,各关键词之 间空 2 个字距,且不加标点符号) 1 (另起页:外文摘要范例;英语摘要和关键词应该是中文摘要和关键词的翻译) Abstract (英文摘要标题采用Times New Roman 小 4 号字,加粗,居中) One of the most important characteristics in 21st century world economy is the rapid development of multinational enterprises. More and more foreign enterprises choose to invest and build factories in China, especially the Japanese enterprises. However, since China and Japan are in different cultural system, many Japanese enterprises have a confusion on the management because of the differences in cultural. Japanese-style management methods, which have created the miracle of Japan's economic development, suffer setbacks in China. Cross-cultural management issues can be properly resolved or not, will influence the success of Japanese enterprises in China. Cross-cultural management is the management of human development trend. Many multinational enterprises are facing the reality of the problem. It is increasingly subjects to the business community and scholars’ attention. For multinational enterprises, the problem is not only the difference between cultures , how to adapt the difference and then merge them


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