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2. They received ______ of letters about their TV programs. a. dozen b. dozen and dozen c score d. dozens 3. Who is that man,______ in the front row? a. one b. the one c. first d. the first 4. We have produced ______ this year as we did in 1993. a. as much cotton twice b. as twice much cotton c. much as twice cotton d. twice as much cotton 5. The earth is about ______ as the moon. a. as fifty time big b. fifty times as big c. as big fifty time d. fifty as times big 6. The population of many Alaskan cities has ______ in the past three years. a. more than doubled b. more doubled than c. much than doubled d. much doubled than 7. The moon is about _____ in diameter as diameter as the earth. a. one-three as large b. one three as large c. one-third as large d. one third as large 8. Five hundred yuan a month _____ enough to live on. a. is b. are c. is being d. has been 9. ______ of the buildings were ruined. a. Three fourth b. Three four c. Three-fourths d. Three-four 10. Consult _____ for questions about earthquakes. a. the six index b. index six c. sixth index d. index numbering six 11. She went to the countryside ______. a. in the morning at nine/on June first,1968 b. on June first,1968/in the morning at nine c. at nine in the morning/on June first,1968 d. on June first,1968/at nine in the morning 12. Three-fourths of the surface of the earth _____ covered with water. a. are b. is c. were d. be 13.This month the production of stainless steel in our steelworks has increased ______ 2,000 tons. a. with b. in c. on d. by 14. With the miniaturization of the structural components the weight of these electric devices has decreased ______ 30 percent. a. as b. with c. in


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