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.单方事故电话同济医院哭了可以教团队2021年上半年中小学教师资格考试真题试卷 《英语学科知识与教学能力》 (高级中学) (满分 150 分) —、单项选择题 (本大题共 30 小题,每小题 2 分,共 60 分) 在每小题列出的四个备选项中选择一个最佳答案。 1. Excellent novels are those which ____ national and cultural barriers. A. transcend B. traverse C. suppress D. surpass 2. As Alice believed him to be a manof integrity, she refused to consider the possibility that his statement was __. A. irrelevant B. facetious C. fictitious D. illogical 3. The girls are afraid that being friendly to strangers could be misinterpreted by their __neighbours. A. ever-present B. ever-presented C. ever-presenting D. ever-presently 4. His presentation will show you ____ can be used in other contexts. A. that you have observed B. that how you have observed C. how that you have observed D. how what you have observed 5. Manystudents start each term with an award check, but by the time books are bought, food is paid for, and a bit of social life __, it looks rather emaciated. A. lives B. lived C. was lived D. has lived 6. Which of the following is correct in its use of punctuation? A. The teacher asked, “Whosaid, ‘Give meliberty or give medeath’?” B. The teacher asked, “Whosaid, ‘Give meliberty or give medeath?’” 1文档来源为 :从网络收集整理 .word 版本可编辑 .欢迎下载支持 . C. The teacher asked, “Who said ‘Give me liberty or give me death ’”? D. The teacher asked, “Who said ‘Give me liberty or give me death’?” 7. The pair of English phonemes _ differ in the place of articulation. A. / ? / and / ? / B. / θ/ and / e / C. /d/ and /z/ D. /m/ and /n/ 8. There are _ consonant clusters in the sentence “Brian, I appreciate beautiful scarf you brought me. ” A. two B. three C. four D. five 9. Whensaying “It ’s noisy outside ” to get someoneto close the window, the speaker intends to perform a(n) _. A. direct speech act B. locutionary act C. indirect speech act D. perlocutionary act 10. That a Japanese child adopted at birth by an American couple will grow up speaking English indicates _ of human language. A. duality B. cultural transmission C.



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