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Lecture 4 Bridge Pattern 本讲内容 桥接模式的引入 桥接模式理论 使用桥接模式进行设计的例子 Introductory Examples 例1: 科学家宇航员的设计例子 优点: 在两个维度上可以自由地添加类,而不会影响 到其它的类。 例2: 咖啡销售机软件设计例子 New design: In classes MediumCoffee or SuperSizeCoffee, call MilkCoffeeImp or FragrantCoffeeImp 设计3优点: 可以在两个维度上可以自由地添 加新类,而不会影响到其它的类 桥模式的构件 (Participants) Abstraction defines the abstraction's interface. maintains a reference to an object of type Implementor. RefinedAbstraction Extends the interface defined by Abstraction. Implementor Defines the interface for implementation classes. This interface doesn't have to correspond exactly to Abstraction's interface; in fact the two interfaces can be quite different. Typically The Implementor interface provides only primitive operations, and The Abstraction defines higher-level operations based on these primitives. The ConcreteImplementors: ImplementorA and ImplementorB implements the Implementor interface and defines its concrete implementation. 桥模式的优点 将接口与实现解耦。Decoupling interface and implementation. An implementation is not bound permanently to an interface The implementation of an abstraction can be configured at run-time Decoupling Abstraction and Implementor also eliminates compile-time dependencies on the implementation Changing an implementation class doesn't require recompiling the Abstraction class and its clients 2. 改善了可扩展性。Improved extensibility. You can extend the Abstraction and Implementor hierarchies independently. 3. 对用户隐藏实现细节。Hiding implementation details from clients. You can shield clients from implementation details, like the sharing of implementor objects and the accompanying reference count mechanism (if any). 何时使用桥模式? When to use the bridge pattern? Applicability: Use the Bridge pattern when you want to avoid a permanent binding between an abstraction and its implementation. e. g. when the implementation must be selected or switched at run-time. More advantages of Bridge Pattern Both the


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