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汤姆索亚历险记英文简介;Introduction;There had a child called Huckleberry Finn in the town. His father was always drinking and his parents was often fighting.so he ran out of his family and lived alone.Yet people did not like him, but Tom was his good friend.One day, they appointed to the cemetery where they had seen an unexpected scene. They saw doctors Robinson, Injun Joe and Muff Potter tussle together. In the chaotic tussle Injun Joe killed the doctor, and then put the blame on Porter who was unconscious.Tom and Huck were terrified, they established a blood oath that never leaked the secret.After Porter was arrested, Tom was very guilty, and he often went to see him. At this time Tom was unfavorable in everything .Becky was angry with him and ignored him.Besides,aunt always scolded him and he felt that nobody care about him. 镇上有一个孩子叫哈克贝利·费恩。 他的父亲总是酗酒,父母一直打架,因此他跑出来自己生活。尽管大人们都不喜欢他,可汤姆和他却是好朋友。 有一天他们约好晚上一起去墓地,却看到了意想不到的一幕。 他们看到鲁滨逊医生、恶棍印第安·乔和喝得醉醺醺的莫夫·波特。 在他们混乱的厮打中,印第安·乔把医生杀死了,然后又嫁祸于被打昏的波特身上。 汤姆和哈克被吓坏了,立了血誓决不泄密。 波特被捕以后,汤姆十分内疚,经常去看望他。 此时的汤姆事事不顺,贝基生了他的气,不再理睬他,波莉姨妈也总是呵斥他,他觉得没有人关心他。 ;So Tom went to a island with Huck and another child by a boat. After a short while they found that the people of the village thought they had died.And villagers were searching for their bodies.Tom returned to his aunt at night quietly and found that aunt Polly was sad for his death . Tom felt so ashamed. In the end, they came back when villagers were holding funeral for them . Summer was coming, Tom felt more anxious because the judge would make a decision to Porter's crime. Tom finally overcame fear and selfishness, then he reported that Injun Joe was the murderer . But murderer escaped at last. 于是,汤姆、哈克和村上的另一个孩子一起乘小船去了一个海岛。可没过多久,他们便发现村里的人以为他们淹死了,正在搜寻他们的尸体。 汤姆晚上悄悄回到了姨妈家,发现波莉姨妈正在为他的死悲痛欲绝。汤姆觉得十分惭愧。???终,他们三个人在村民们为他们举行葬礼的时候回来了。夏天来临时,汤姆便感到更加不安,因为法官将对波特的罪行作出判决。汤姆终于战胜了恐惧与自私,指出了印第安·乔就是杀人凶手。可凶手还是逃走了。;Later, Tom came up with an idea to find treasures. Tom and Huck found Injun Joe and his ill-go


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