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How to answer questions according to the materials Kinds of questions yes- no questions(一般疑问句) Tag questions(反意疑问句) Alternative Questions(选择疑问句) Wh- questions(特殊疑问句) Exercise A 1)Live on the tree Julia wasn't happy about that Q: Was Julia happy about that? No, she wasnt 一般疑问句的回答: Yes or no 2) the world in the sea Many fishes have no eyes. Some have big eyes. A few have eyes on one side Q: All the fishes have big eyes don't they? No, they don't 反意疑问句的回答: Yes or no 3) Australia and China Australia is the largest island in the world, It little smaller than China Q:(1 Is Australia larger than China? 2 Australia is larger than China isn't it? 3 Australia isn't larger than China is it? (Is Australia larger than China?) D No, it isn't 4)Bikes in London It took Tom 4o minutes to go to work by bus but only half an hour by bike. So he loves going to work by bike Q: Does Tom go to work by bus or by bike? By bike How does Tom go to work by bus or by bike? 注意选择疑问句的回答 5)Live on the tree Julia Hill was born in America in 1974. Q: What nationality is Julia Hill? American 注意特殊疑问词的含义 The meeting was held in Peking University from March 27th to 31st. 2006 Q: 1. When did the meeting begin? On March 27th, 2006 2. How long did the meeting last? For five days. When时间点 How long:时间段 In the second part of his adventure Jack sailed to australia Where was jack after the second part of his adventure? In australia Where提问地点,记得使用介词 8Live on the tree She used her mobile phone to talk her family and to news reporters Q: How did she keep in touch with others while staying high up in the tree? She kept in touch with others by mobile phone 如How问的是方式,可使用介词来回答。


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