1 topic大学英语(口语)大学英语(口语).pdf

1 topic大学英语(口语)大学英语(口语).pdf

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Academic Writing and Presentation Objectives 1 Know how to find an appropriate topic 2 Learn how to elaborate your topic Selecting a topic What topics can you choose? 01 having interest having some previous 02 knowledge 03 doing additional research having practical 04 relationships 05 involving something new Selecting a topic What topics do you try to avoid ? 01 too big too trivial 02 03 too technical too abstract 04 05 too simple Selecting a topic How to choose a topic? Look for a topic that excites you, e.g. a 1 problem to solve Track down a list of books and articles in the 2 library 3 Browse the Internet for information 4 Do the brainstorming Selecting a topic Selecting a topic How to choose a topic? language Language Listening Body Language language skills Speaking Facial Hand Reading expression gestures AI and Facial Writing expression


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