牛津小学英语3A教案-UNIT 3.docVIP

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人教PEP版小学英语课堂教学精品资料设计 人教PEP版小学英语课堂教学精品资料设计 Unit 3 This is my father The first period: A Learn to say TEACHING CONTENTS: 1. Vocabulary:Mr Black,Mrs Black ,Gao Shan. 2. Pattern:This is my… TEACHING AIMS: 1. The Ss can understand and say the communion parlance: Hi/Hello,this is my father/mother/brother /sister . Nice to meet you , … Nice to meet you,… 2. To know three persons:Mr Black,Mrs Black,Gao Shan. 3. To encourage the Ss to learn English. TEACHING AIDS: photo ,recorder ,masks . TEACHING STEPS : Step1. Warm-up. 1. Sing songs and act :《Hello 》、《Hi,Nancy》 2. Greetings: Hi/Hello,I’m… Good morning/Good afternoon . Nice to meet you,… Nice to meet you ,too 3. Free talk : Hello!Good morning !This is Yang Ling /…/my father .引入本课新授部分。 Step2 Presentation and practice. 1. Learn to say :This is my father . Show the family photo. T:Today we’re going to learn a new dialogue. Look at this photo of my family.Let me introduce something about it . a. T: This is my father ,(师反复重复:father , This is my father )What does“father” mean? Do you know? “Father”means “爸爸”,“my father ”means “我的爸爸”. b. Read after the T,then play a game:J T: father .J Ss: Dad . JT: Dad .J Ss: father . c. T: Show me your family photo ,please introduce your father to me ,You should say : Miss Yao,this is my father. d. Practice and check. 2. Learn to say : This is my mother/brother/sister. The same method and then play a game .the T say the word aloud ,but the Ss say it low.If the T say it low ,the Ss say it aloud . 3. Sing a song “Family song .”把四个单词father ,mother ,brother ,sister 编成歌曲,让学生在歌中熟悉四种称呼。 4.Check. Look at your photo and introduce your family to your deskmates Step3. Consolidation. 1. The T shows the wall picture. T: How many people are there in the picture? Ss:Three. T: Who are they? Ss:Nancy,Mr Green ,Mr Black. T: Mr Black is Nancy’s father ,Nancy wants to introduce her father to


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