牛津小学英语4A教案-UNIT 9.docVIP

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人教PEP版小学英语课堂教学精品资料设计 人教PEP版小学英语课堂教学精品资料设计 牛津小学英语(4A) Unit 9 What ’s the matter? A. Sing a song “We are happy bees” 边唱歌边做动作 B. Free talk Look and guess T (表演hungry、thirsty、cold、hot四个动作): What’s the matter with me? 学生猜 T (出示这四个单词): Last class, I asked you to use these four words to make dialogues. Have you prepared? 请3-4组学生表演 C. Presentation T: Boys and girls, I’m very happy today, because our good friend Liu Tao comes to our class. (出示Liu Tao ) Let’s say ‘Hello’ to him. Ss: Hello, Liu Tao. Liu: Hello. T: He looks not happy. What’s the matter with him? 出示What’s the matter?卡片,教读 T: What’s the matter with him? Let’s ask him. Ss: What’s the matter, Liu Tao? T: Are you hungry? Liu: No, I’m tired. T: Here’s a sofa for you. Liu: Thank you. T: Oh, he’s tired. Read after me “tired” 出示tired卡片, 教读. (领读 — 开火车读) 同法教授bored、sleepy、ill三个单词.采用横排、竖排开火车 分列齐读的方式操练单词,以避免枯燥,并可调动学生积极性,扩 大操练面. Practice a. Listen and act 老师说单词,学生做相应动作. b. Look and guess 分别请几位学生表演这四个单词, 其他同学猜. c. 出示本课八个单词的闪动图片 (多媒体制作) 随机提问. T: What’s the matter with him/her? D. Read and say 1. T: Liu Tao is at home now. What’s the matter with him? What does he want to do? (出示这两个问题)Let’s look at the picture and listen to the tape. 2. Listen to the tape twice, then answer the questions. 3. Read after the tape 解释Why don’t you go to bed now? 4. 跟读 — 齐读 — 分角色读 5. Act the dialogue in groups E. Consolidation Play a game 在讲台上摆放八个单词的卡片和相应的物品卡片,请3位学生 上台,表演任一动作 T: What’s the matter? S1: I’m … T: Here’s … for you. T: What’s the matter? S2: I’m … T: Here’s … for you. … … b. Practise in groups 2. Sing a song “What’s the matter?” F. Homework T (出示一张照片): Look at the photo, who is she? Ss: She is Miss Chen. T: Miss Chen is not happy today. What’s the matter with her? Let’s go and ask her after class.



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