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Book5 Unit5 First Aids 词汇学案 aid vt/n 帮助,援助, 助 vt. 帮助,援助, 助 aid do sth. aid sb in doing/with sth. I aided her to continue her study. =I aided her___ ________ her study. =I aided her _____her study. 翻 :他 被指控帮助他 。 They _____ _______ _____ ________ him in __________ money. n. first aid 急救 a hearing aid 助听器 with the aid of/with sb 在’?s的aid帮助下 in aid of 用以援助 ...; 作 援助 ...之用 collect money in aid of the poor come /go to sb. ’ s前aid来 / 去援助某人 give/ offer aid to sb. 予帮助 翻 : With the aid of my family, I finally realize my dream. __________________________________________________________ 2. fall ill 生病 翻 : The students fall ill when the flu breaks 拓展: fall ________ 入睡 fall_______ 跌落,掉下 fall ________ 落后 fall________摔倒 fall ____ ______ 喜 上 3. bleed vi. & vt. 流血 根据 境猜 A. 出血,流血了 B. 国家、正 等流血、 牲 C. ( 人 )勒索、敲 D. ??感到 F. 抽取 放 (空气或液体 ) (1) His colleague always bleeds me for every coins I have. ( ) (2) Doctors used to bleed people when they were ill. ( ) (3) He was slowly bleeding to death. ( ) (4) We'll never forget those who bled for the revolution. ( ) (5) My heart bleeds for those poor unhappy children. ( ) 展: blood n. 血;血液 bloody adj. 血淋淋的 4.choke vi. & vt. 噎住;窒息 . He _____ when he had lunch. 他吃 噎到了。 翻 :烟 几乎 我窒息。 _________________________________________________  展: choke sb. to death 使?窒息死亡,掐死 ? choke on a fish 刺卡在喉 里 choke with anger 气得 不出 choke(hold) back one’ s tears 忍住 泪水 choke one ’ s feelings抑制感情 choked up with traffic 交通堵塞 5. poison 判断下列句子中 poison 的 性和 1)Some mushrooms contain a deadly poison. ( ) 2)Some games are poison to teenagers. ( ) 3)Gas from cars are poisoning the air. ( ) 4)Someone tried to poison our dog. ( ) 5)Someone tried to poison our dog’sfood. ( ) 拓展: poisonous adj. 有毒的 un. 化,多 化,多 性 翻 :他不喜 份工作,因 它 无味。 ___________________________________________________________ cn. 种 ,品种 翻 : There are varieties of vegetables on the Many students are late for school, for a variety of reasons. __________________________________________________ 短 :



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