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编号 毕业设计(论文) 题目 永辉超市物流配送分析 二级学院 商贸信息学院 专 业 物流管理 班 级 212208702 学生姓名 江世涵 学号20 指导教师 代应 职称 副教授 时 间 2015-5-20 摘要 近年来, 我国物流配送管理发展较快 , 但是不得不承认,与国际先进水平相 比,整体水平尚处于较低层次。永辉超市成立于 2001年 3 月,多年来,公司以 生鲜农产品引进现代超市, 以开拓全国市场为目标, 不断提高集约化水平和自我 滚动发展的扩张能力。多年来的实践证明,把配送中心建成多功能、集约化、低 成本的供货枢纽, 以及运用信息技术来重组和提升超市的供应链管理, 是连锁经 营的核心战略, 也是支撑连锁超市超常规发展的重要条件。 本文从永辉超市生鲜 物流配送的成功运营出发, 分析我国连锁超市物流配送发展存在的几大问题, 提 出了我国连锁超市物流配送代化发展的对策。 [ 关键词 ] 物流配送;永辉超市;生鲜配送;问题;对策 Abstract In recent years, China's logistics and distribution management development faster, but had to admit that, compared with the international advanced level, the overall level is still in the lower level. Yonghui supermarket was founded in March 2001, over the years, the company to fresh agricultural product introduction modern supermarket, to develop the national market as the goal, and constantly improve the level of intensive and self rolling development of capacity expansion. Years of practice has proved that the distribution center built multifunctional, intensive, low cost of supply hub, and the use of information technology to reform and promote the supermarket supply chain management,is the core strategy of chain operation, but also support the supermarket chain super conventional development important condition.Starting from the successful operation of the Yonghui supermarket logistics and distribution, this paper analyses the problems existing in the development of China chain supermarket logistics distribution, and put forward the Countermeasures of our country chain supermarket logistics distribution generation development. Keywords: Logistics distribution; Yonghui supermarket; fresh distribution; problems; Countermeasures 目录 摘 要 I TOC \o "1-5" \h \z \o "Current Document" Abstract II 目 录 I.I.I.. \o "Current Document" 永辉超市物流配送分析 1.. \o "Current Document" 物流基本知识 1... 物流定义 1.. 物流配送 1.. 配送功能要素 1.. 备货 1... 储存 1... 分拣及配货 2.. 配装 2... 配送运输 2... (6) 送达服务 3... (7) 配送加工 3... \o "Current Document" 永辉超市配送体系 3... 永辉


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