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河北省石家庄市平山县开智中学2019-2020学年高一英语月考试题 一、 选择题 1. ---??? _______ does Julia go to work every day? ---She walks to the bus stop, then takes the bus. A. How far??? B. How long C. How often??? D. How 参考答案: D 【详解】考查特殊疑问词。句意:—Julia每天如何上班?—她步行去公交车站,然后乘坐公交车。根据回答“She walks to the bus stop, then takes the bus.她步行去公交车站,然后乘坐公交车”可知第一句询问对方每天上班的方式。所以使用疑问词how引导特殊疑问词,对方式进行提问。故选D项。 2. Hundreds of brightly coloured balloons were _____ and used as party toys or party decorations on New Year’s Day.?? A. given up???????????????????????????? B. set up???????? ??????? C. built up?????????????????? ??? D. blown up 参考答案: D 3. It’s ?????????? accepted that men like playing football more than women. A. especially??? B. generally??? C. simply??? D. totally 参考答案: B 4. We waited and waited. ________ we had been looking forward to. A. Then came the moment????? B. Then did the moment come C. Then the moment came?????? D. The moment then came 参考答案: A 5. The flowers ______ my mother, but my sister thought they were for her and took them. A. were intended for? B. intended for?? C. intended to give?? D. intended giving 参考答案: A 6. At the meeting,the doctors discussed some different____________to the operation on the boy’s head. A.approaches B.means C.methods D.ways 参考答案: A 四个选项均可表示“方式,方法”,但用法不同。approach和介词to搭配,构成approach to sth./doing sth.;means一般用于by means of doing sth.结构中;method一般用于(with the) method of doing sth.结构中;way一般用于way to do sth.或way of doing sth.结构中。句意为:在会上,医生们讨论了给那个男孩做头部手术的不同方法。 7. It ____in this new hall ____ was just set up last month ________ we held an important meeting yesterday. A. is; which; that?? B. was; which; what???? C. is; that; which??? D. was; which; that 参考答案: D 8. The following day she didn’t go to the club. She took a short walk in a park nearby ______. A.instead? ????????????? B. however??? ?????????????? C. therefore?? ??????????????? D. besides 参考答案: A 9. Barbara often makes a schedule to get herself ________ of what she is to do in the day. ? A. remind B. remind


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