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黔大福商贸代理商合同 DTF Qian Tai Fook Introducting broker Agreement 黔大福商贸代理商合同 代理编号 NO. Quadrant House, Floor 6, 17 Thomas More Street Thomas More Square London E1W 1YW England, UK 电话 Tel : +86-10传真 Fax: +86-10Agent Agreement 代理商协议书 This agreement is made between: 这项协议签订于 Beijing Qiantaifook Business Co., Ltd. (DTF), and, 北京黔大福商贸有限公司,和 2) Agents (IB) agreement between 2) 代理商 (IB) 之间的协议。 Where as: 鉴于 3) DTF is affected by the UKFinancial Services Authority regulation, and obtaining approval to provide a gold trading platform. DTF agent is introduced to the gold currency trading clients. 3) DTF 是受英国金融服务监管局监管, 并得其批准以提供黄金外汇交易平 台。代理商的工作是向DTF介绍黄金外汇交易客户。 Now it is here by agreed between the parties as follows: 现两者之间特此协议如下 : DTF Obligations DTF 的义务 DTF will be open for all to be introduced under the premise of safeguarding our customers. a ) DTF 将会在公开的前提下维护所有被介绍客户 DTF will account for the implementation of transaction management and protection functions, and all money received from the customer care to a specified client funds account. DTF 将会为账户实行交易管护的功能,并将所有从客户接收的款项保 管到一个特别指定客户资金的账户。 DTF will provide to the dealer online gold trading platform to the agents introduced into the way the customer or agent designated traders. DTF 将会向代理商提供网上黄金交易平台的进入途径给代理商所介绍 的客户或代理商指定的交易员。 DTFon the platform as a means of exchange will be the implementation of all transactions. DTF 于上述平台将会作为交易手段执行所有交易。 DTFwill provide customers with access to online trade confirmations. DTF 将会提供各代理商名下所有客户的网上历史交易记录给代理商。 DTF in terms of this Agreement in force, will be maintained and compliance with the UK Financial Services Authority (FSA) requirements. DTF 在本协议条款生效期间,将会保持和遵守英国金融服务监管局( FSA) 的要求。 Obligations of agents 代理商的义务 a) The following guidelines at any time the agent will comply with applicable law. a) 以下的代理商指南任何时候将遵守适用法例。 Agents must maintain their compliance and supervisory duties to sufficiently prove that the agents and their employees and agents to comply with applicable laws, including com


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