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第 PAGE6 页 共 NUMPAGES6 页 选择题 1. Around the time of their second birthday, children begin to produce ____ utterances. B.two-word 2. Which side(s) of muscles of ours does our left brain control? C.right 3. The design features of human language include the following features EXCEPT____. B.genetic transmission 4. The word "criticise" consists of _____ syllables as against _____ morphemes. C.three/two 5. Which of the following forms a minimal pair? D.eat, it 6. “Why don’t you come here?” is an instance of ____. C.directives 7. Which of the following is an expressive?C.I’m very sorry. 8. Which of the following is a commissive? B.I will buy you candy for sure. 9. Which of the following is a representative? D.I have never seen you before. 10. Which of the following is a directive? A.Your money or your life 11. ‘Slim' and ‘bony' are ___. C.synonyms that differ in their emotive meaning 12. ‘She is just a small girl.' is a ___-place predication. C.two 13. Which of the following underlined parts is a free morpheme? D.without 14. The following underlined parts are termed specifier EXCEPT___? A.a nice car 15. Which of the following best describes the relations between “My uncle is coming.” and “I have an uncle.”? D.The former presupposes the latter 16. The word “GDP” is a(n) ____. B.acronym 17. “Up you go, chaps!” belongs to ____ language. B.intimate 18. The Summer Palace belongs to ____ culture. A.material 19. If the child calls all people “Dad”, then we may say the child has ____ the meaning of the word “Dad”. A.overextended 20. The first consonants the child can make are made with the lips and they are ____. B.[p,b,m] 22. Which of the following is an aspirated consonant?吸气辅音 C.[k] 23. Which of the following is a front, close and unrounded vowel? B.[i:] 24. Which is the feature of the sound [l]? D.liquid 25. The following sounds belong to the same natural class EXCEPT ___. B.[s] 26. How many syllables音节 are there in the word “rhythmical”? A.Three 27. How many morphemes语素 are th


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