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Introduction to Electronic Commerce Spring 2007 Professor:? Bing jia Shao E-Mail: shaobj@126.com Class Time: Wednesday 7-8 (week 1-16) Thursday, 1-2 (week 1-2) Class Location: D1343 D1347? Office: CEBA CQU 758 Website: Office Phone: 023(PHS) Textbook and Readings: 1.Efraim Turban, David King Introduction to E-Commerce Pearson 2003 (/catalog/academic/product/1,4096,0130094056,00.html) 2.埃弗瑞姆·特伯恩等 《电子商务导论》 中国人民大学出版社 2006年 /book_category.asp?bookid=721&cid=7 3.邵兵家 《电子商务概论》(第2版)高等教育出版社 2006年6月 4.Efraim Turban Electronic Commerce: A Managerial Perspective 2006, 4/E /catalog/academic/product/0,1144,0131854615,00.html /turban/ /bp_turban_ec_2006/0,11174,2580469-,00.html (Free website resource strongly recommend) Content Chapter 1: Overview of Electronic Commerce Chapter 2: E-Marketplaces: Structures, Mechanisms, Economics, and Impacts Chapter 3: Retailing in Electronic Commerce: Products and Services Chapter 4: Consumer Behavior, Market Research, and Advertisement Chapter 5: B2B-Commerce: Selling and Buying in Private E-Markets Chapter 6: Public B2B Exchanges and Support Services Chapter 7: E-Supply Chains, Collaborative Commerce, Intrabusiness EC, Corporate Portals Chapter 8: Innovative EC Systems: From E-Government and E-Learning to C2C Chapter 9: Mobile Commerce and Pervasive Computing Chapter 10: E-Auctions Chapter 11: E-Commerce Security Chapter 12: Electronic Payment Systems Chapter 13: Order Fulfillment, eCRM, and Other Support Services Chapter 14: E-Commerce Strategy and Global EC Chapter 15: Economics and Justification of Electronic Commerce Chapter 16: Launching a Successful Online Business and EC Project Chapter 17: Legal, Ethical, and Societal Impacts of EC Chapter 18: Building E-Commerce Applications and Infrastructure 5.(美) 弗雷姆,特班 Efraim Turban;Dave King; Jae Kyu Lee; Dennis 译者:严建援 《电子商务:管理视角》(原书第4版) 机械工业出版社 书号 9787111208976 2007年3月 定价 58:00元 会员价:¥51.00(75折) 师生团购热线电话137013


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