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河北省廊坊市三河燕郊镇中学2018-2019学年高三英语联考试题 一、 选择题 1. This western restaurant is my favorite one. I regard it as ???????????other restaurants. ? A. more superior than B. superior to? ???? ?????? C. more superior to? ??? D. superior than 参考答案: B 略 2. Alexander tried to get his work _______in the medical circles. A to recognize? B recognizing? Crecognize ?D recognized 参考答案: D 3. I’ll raise both hands _____ banning smoking inside the school yard. A. in favour of????? B. in memory of? C. in honour of?????? D. in search of 参考答案: A 4. And the horses ________ up to the finish line. They're neck and neck... neck and neck all the way. Oh, the Italian horse Mamma Mia ________ the race! A.come; is winning? ??????????????B.have come; wins C.are coming; won? ??????????????D.are coming; wins 参考答案: D 考查时态。据句意可知这是现场解说,为了表达更生动,动作用了现在进行时,结果用一般现在时。这是新闻及报道常用的时态 5. The exciting moment we looked forward to ______ at last. A.coming??? B.come?? C.came?? D.comes 参考答案: C 略 6. You should try to get a good night's sleep ?????????much work you have to do . A.however ??????? B.no matter ???? C.although ????? D.whatever ? 参考答案: A 7. Under the environment of fierce competition, the only way John could imagine ______ stress was to get tougher by making greater efforts. A.handling??????????? B.to handle C.handled????????????? D.having handled 参考答案: B 8. The driver started to speed up to ______ for the hour he had lost in the traffic jam. ? A. keep up??????????? B. take up?????????? C. make up?????????? D. catch up 参考答案: C 考查动词短语辨析。短语keep up保持;take up占据;make up弥补;catch up赶上;句意:司机开始加速来弥补他因为交通拥堵而失去的那一个小时。根据句意可知选C。 9. Out of the crowded bus ____, who was dressed in a black suit, waving to a woman. ?????? A.a tall man stepped????????? ????????????????????? B.stepped a tall man ?????? C.did a tall man step????????? ?????? D.a tall man did step 参考答案: B 略 10. 24.Could I speak to is in charge of International Sales please? ???????? A. who ?????????????????????????? B. what ????????????????????????? C. wh


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