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广西壮族自治区桂林市九屋中学2020年高三英语模拟试题 一、 选择题 1. ________ I admit that there are problems, I don’t agree that they cannot be solved. ? A. When B. Because C. If D. While 参考答案: D 试题分析:考查连词辨析。连词when当...时;because因为;if如果;while当...时;尽管;句意:尽管我承认有问题,我并同意它们不能被解决。根据句意可知while表示让步关系。故D正确。 2. ---I had practiced my spoken English many times, but still failed in the oral test. ---Don't be discouraged. ________ and you will surely pass it. ???????? A. Make a bit more effort ????? ????B. To make a bit more effort ???????? C. Making a bit more effort ?? ????D. If you make a bit more effort 参考答案: A 略 3. --- Do we have to hand in our research reports this afternoon, Professor Smith? --- Yes, you _______ . I will be waiting to check them all the afternoon. ?? A. should?????????? B. may??????????? C. can????????? D. must 参考答案: 考点:情态动词 【答案】 4. . They don't feel safe in our town at night because it ????????so dangerous. There's a robbery every week now.? ? A. becomes?????????? B. became??????????? C. has become????? D. had become? 参考答案: C 略 5. Authorities face a ______ task to persuade typhoon survivors to abandon their flood-stricken villages and relocate to safer lands. A. complex B. rough C. tough D. sharp 参考答案: C 6. ____________ electronic mails, today you can send a letter halfway around the world in seconds simply by pressing a button. A. Apart from????????? B. According to?????? C. Thanks to???????? D. In spite of 参考答案: C 7. Professor Qian    at a news conference,"It is profits that drive many food producers to do illegal things." A.discovered B.explored C.observed D.imagined 参考答案: C 句意:"正是利益驱动着许多食品厂家去做违法的事情,"钱教授在一个新闻发布会上评论说。discover"发现";explore"探索";observe"评论";imagine"想象"。 25. -So you gave her your phone? -______, she said she’d return it to me when she could afford her own. A. My pleasure ?B. Not exactly ?C. No doubt? ?D. All right 参考答案: B 略 9. Though ????? of the danger, Mr. Brown still risked his life to save the boy in the fire. A. having told B. telling C. to



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