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2020年安徽省合肥市剑桥普通高级中学高二英语下学期期末试题 一、 选择题 1. A good interpersonal relationship can help teawork,which___benefits a company’s development A. in fact????????? ?B. in return??????? ? C. in turn???? ??????????????? D.in practice 参考答案: C 2. No sooner had I began to sing the English song than it was_______ by a 13-year-old girl. She sang the song so beautifully that I couldn’t help asking her when she had ______ the study of English. ??? A. brought up; taken up??? B. picked up; picked up?? C. taken up; taken up????? D. come up; set up 参考答案: C 3. ____you stepped into the lab with your shoes on? You are supposed to take them off before you enter it. A. How come???????? B. How about??????????? C. How dare???? D. How long 参考答案: A 略 4. Look over there—there’s a very long, winding path _____ up to the house. A. leading????? B. leads?????? C. led???????? D. to lead 参考答案: A 略 5. Order me a pot of tea; I’m _______ thirst.??? ?? A. dying of???? ???B. dying out?? ????C. dying to???? ?D. dying down 参考答案: A 6. We have found that a boy matching your ????? entered the amusement park just now. A. instruction??? B. explanation C. description??? D. application 参考答案: C 【详解】考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们发现一个符合你的描述的男孩刚才进入了游乐园。Ainstruction指示;Bexplanation解释;Cdescription描述;Dapplication申请。match description表示“匹配你的描述”,故C项正确。 7. With the apples ____ good, the old man sold them out soon. A.to taste? ????B.taste? ????? ???????C.tasting? ????? ????????D.tasted 参考答案: C 8. _______wants to separate Tibet from our motherland should be condemned.(  ) A.No matter who B.Anyone C.Whoever D.Who 参考答案: C 考查主语从句,句意:无论谁想把西藏从我们的祖国分离出去,都应该受到谴责. 句子主语为_______wants to separate Tibet from our motherland,所以是主语从句,排除A选项,no matter who引导让步状语从句,在这个主语从句中,缺少主语,如果用anyone,后应该加上who引导定语从句,这里强调任意性,而没有强调疑问,所以用whoever. 9. The world-famous 5-star hotel has its own pool and ____leisure facilities, designed with the disabled in ____mind. A. /; the B the; a C. /; / D. the; / 参考答案: C 10. I know you don’t like her, but try not to make it so ______. A. curi


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