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Article with Chinese Guide and Exercises for Lecture 6 1 Grand Isle: A Visit to the Setting of The Awakening Posted on June 25, 2005 by Linda McGovern 1 Grand Isle, a three-hour drive south of New Orleans, is on the outermost shore of Louisiana. The drive takes quite some time since the winding narrow road is accessible by only two cars at a time. The slow pace gives you a chance to pass a rather scenic view of bayou life. Small towns, small homes, and bait shops line the side of the road, a land full of seafood restaurants and fishing gear to buy or rent. It made me wish I wasn’t allergic to shellfish since the smells were everything I imagined Cajun food would be. 2 While driving, my husband and I noticed the many signs for “flying fish” and it confirmed my feeling of being a long way from home in Boston. Both windows were down to cool the humid August air. The mild, warm ocean breeze had a rhythm all its own and came and went with each turn we took. My senses were beginning to awaken. 3 I had wanted to visit Grand Isle, the setting for The Awakening by Kate Chopin, since I first read the book in my college freshman English class. It was then that I became fascinated by the novel, Kate Chopin, its setting, and characters. After several re-readings I am still as passionate about the work as when I was first introduced. I heard its language and it spoke deeply to me. I felt Edna Pontellier’s longings, desires and her struggle. Edna represents the human need to discover and realize one’s true calling, one’s individuality in a society that encourages conformity. The Awakening speaks to both women and men, and is about the search for self and the journey to find truth and one’s place in relation to the world. 4 Edna needed to be freed from her constraints to be able to find herself. It is rare, even today, to truly venture above and beyond socie


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