第十章 商务英语writing task 2 (IELTS).pdf

第十章 商务英语writing task 2 (IELTS).pdf

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Writing Task 2 Introduction *  More important than Writing Task 1. *  Counts more towards your overall test band score. *  You must complete both tasks to get an accurate band score. *  Spend 20 minutes on Task 1 and 40 minutes on Task 2. *  Leave some time at the end to check your work. *  Can write Task 2 first, if you wish. Task Requirements *  Write an essay or report of not less than 250 words on a given topic of general interest. *  An essay is a literary composition on a particular subject. *  A repot is a formal account made after investigation of a subject. *  For the purposes of IELTS writing test, a report can be written in the style appropriate for an essay. *  An essay or report can be either argument regarding a topic, or an account of a situation regarding a topic. Assessment *  Ability to write. *  Ability to think about and discuss an issue of some kind. *  Have ideas and opinions on a wide range of subjects of general interest. *  Be well-read and informed about most of the popular and controversial issues debated in the media these days. *  For Task 2 topics of educational interest, personal knowledge and experience may be relevant, but not write about your personal experiences; *  Use them to talk generally and objectively about the topic. *  Present your thoughts in an organized and orderly way. Writing Assessment Criteria *  Task achievement (Response) *  Coherence & cohesion *  Lexical resource *  Grammatical range and accuracy Task 2 Steps of Writing an Essay for the IELTS Writing Test Five steps in the process of writing Step 5 Check the answer Step 4 Write the answer


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