人工智能英语 (5).pdf

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Technology and humanity must be combined. Can a smart machine think and act as intelligently as a human? It is human who initiated the idea of creating a machine smart enough, and the boundary between a machine and a human is there. AI is a tool to maximize human intelligence. • Human creates the machine to be intelligent enough to do what he wants but is unable to do. • With the help of the creation of a smart machine, the dream of human to fulfill impossible missions can come true. Concern about the development of AI • Hugo de Garis: showing deep concern about the possibility of an A I machine to develop faster than human can imagine. • Stephen Hawking: warning against the potential risks of smart machines. Smart machines will always be under the control of human. Autopilot :the modern aircraft being fully capable of an automated landing. • What do we know about A I? • What should A I do? • What can human expect from A I? 有缘学习更多+谓ygd3076考证资料 • Human intelligence is a higher level of collectivist intelligence which contributes to a more complicated social structure and a greater controlling power. • Human can keep A I under control and expect it to do whatever human thinks is good for him. Human-oriented development for a better life AI is controlled by AI is initiated by human. human. AI follows the AI affects human’s life human standards. and work. • Human has more than one type of intelligence and A I is j ust one of them. • It is human’s responsibility to learn to combine all the intelligence he possesses to meet the challenges for a better prospect.


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