人工智能英语 (15).pdf

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Artificial Intelligence & Big Data The Structure of the Text In this section, you will learn: Ø the structure of the text Ø writing skill: topic sentence & developing sentence Artificial Intelligence & Big Data The Structure of the Text Introduction : Para. 1~3 What is Big Data? (3 Vs) What does a Big Data life cycle look life? (4 steps) Artificial Intelligence & Big Data The Structure of the Text Para. 1: 2018, Fortune 1000, 97.2%, 76.5% Para. 2: financial services; life sciences industries Para. 3: every industry and business function Artificial Intelligence & Big Data The Structure of the Text What is Big Data? • Volume • Velocity • Variety A research VP for Gartner Research Artificial Intelligence & Big Data The Structure of the Text What does a Big Data life cycle look like? l Ingesting data into the system l Persisting the data in storage l Computing and analyzing data l Visualizing the results 有缘学习更多+谓 ygd3076考证资料 Artificial Intelligence & Big Data The Structure of the Text Writing skill 练习科技文献写作时 ,一个规范的段落往往既要 有主题句(Topic Sentence)来表达中心思想 ,又 要有扩展句(Developing Sentence)来围绕中心思 想进行阐述或论证。有时还有结论句(Concluding Sentence)来总结或强调。 Artificial Intelligence & Big Data The Structure of the Text 例如 : • Topic sentence: How is data actually processed when dealing with a Big Data system? • Developing sentences: First of all, ingest data int o t he sy st e m . Nex t , pe rs ist t he dat a in storage. After that, compute and analyze data. The last step is visualizing the results. Artificial Intelligenc


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