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重庆几江中学校2018年高二英语下学期期末试题 一、 选择题 1. —I have two tickets for the theatre on Saturday evening. Would you like to ______? me? —I'd like to, but I'm afraid I have no time. A. invite? ????? ??????????????B. accompany????????????? C. conduct? ? ?????? D. attend 参考答案: B 略 2. She couldn’t _______ the pain any more and screamed loudly. A. release????????????????? B. tolerate???????? C. feel??????????? D. foresee 参考答案: B 考查动词。句意:她不能忍受(tolerate )痛苦就尖声叫了出来。 3. The ___look suggested that there must be something ____around her. A. scaring; scared? B scaring ; scaring??? C. scared ;scaring??? D. scared; scared 参考答案: C 4. A group of firefighters were called in to rescue the woman ______ in a dry well. ? A. who trapped??????? B. trapping???? C. trapped????? D. had trapped 参考答案: C 5. _______ no modern telecommunications, we would have to wait for weeks to get news from around the world. A. Had there been????????? B. Were there C .If there are???????????? D. If there have been 参考答案: B 6. — Was Bessie badly hurt? — Yes, each time she moved her arm, she ________ a cry. A. let out????? B. tried out????? C. took out????? D. left out 参考答案: A 7. —Of the two apples,which one do you prefer? —________ bigger one. It’s ________ most delicious one,I think. A.The;a?? B.The;the????? C.A;/???? D.A;the 参考答案: A 8. To find the missing boy as soon as possible, they were reminded to turn to the Internet? ______ dialing 110. A. in place of??? B. in addition to??? C. in response to??? D. in regard to 参考答案: B 【详解】考查短语辨析。句意:为了尽快找到失踪的男孩,他们被提醒除了拨打110外,也要上网求助。in place of代替;in addition to除…之外;in response to对…做出反应;in regard to关于。分析语增可知,此处是指“为了尽快找到失踪的男孩,他们被提醒除了拨打110外,也要上网求助。”根据语境可知,是除…之外,可知要用“in addition to”,故选B。 9. _________ is often the case with children, Tom was completely better by the doctor arrived. ?? ? A. That??? ?????????????????? B. What?????????????????????????? C. How???? ??????????????? D. As 参考答案: d 略 10. Nobody except Bill and John ______ entered the second round of the interview. A. have?????


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