湘少版五年级英语上册Unit 12 The Spring Festival课件PPT.pptVIP

湘少版五年级英语上册Unit 12 The Spring Festival课件PPT.ppt

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Do you light firecrackers? Play roles Yes, I do. Do you make dumplings? Yes, I do. Let’s Read It is the Spring Festival. We also call it the Lunar New Year. People buy flowers and put them in their homes. They cook delicious food for the family. They also light firecrackers. When friends meet, they wish each other happiness and good luck. Their guests have nice food and drinks. The older people give red packets to the children. Unit 12 The Spring Festival 湘少版·五年级上册 Lead-in What do people do during the Spring Festival? New words the Spring Festival 春节 house 房子 eve 前夜 delicious 好吃的 reunion 团聚 enjoy 喜爱;享受 packet 小包 firecracker 爆竹;鞭炮 lion dance 舞狮 great 巨大的;强烈的 fun 乐趣 Let’s Listen and Say The Spring Festival is an important festival in China. People go home to join their families. Mrs Zhang is very busy. She’s cooking for her family and relatives. All of her relatives meet at her house for dinner on the eve of the Spring Festival. They have a big and delicious meal together. This is the reunion dinner. Children enjoy the Spring Festival most. They wear new clothes. They get red packets from their parents and relatives. In the evening, they light firecrackers. During the day, they watch lion dances. They have great fun. 1. Children enjoy the Spring Festival most.孩子们最喜欢春节。 enjoy的意思是“喜欢;享受……的乐趣;使过得愉快”。它的后面可以接名词、代词、动词-ing形式。 当enjoy之后接动词时,动词要用现在分词形式(v.-ing)。 [例句] 他们喜欢收集贝壳。 They enjoy collecting shells. Language points 2. They wear new clothes.他们穿新衣服。 此句中wear表示“穿着;戴着”,是持续性的动作,表示穿着的状态。 [例句] 这位老人带着一副眼镜。 The old man wears a pair of glasses. Let’s Learn eve of the Spring Festival a family reunion dinner 除夕 团圆饭 firecrackers red packet lion dance 爆竹 红包 舞狮 Let’s Practise Children wear new clothes. get red packets. What do you do during the Spring Festival? Talk with your friends. Do you get red packets? Yes, I do. I get red packets from my parents and rel


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